Dementia care solutions to help your organization thrive.

Our solutions prepare your workforce and care system to be dementia capable. If you are a provider of any type of Dementia care who is looking for specialized knowledge, skills, and practical strategies, we have what you need. Partnering together we can empower your staff to feel ready with the tools for a successful caregiving approach. With over 25 years of combined experience in Dementia care, we are the Southern Arizona’s Gold Standard in providing customized trainings, support, and education. Our trainings are personalized to the needs of your organization to improve outcomes, increase job performance, and even reduce staff turnover. Better care creates better teams for your organization.

OUR approach

We offer modern solutions to Dementia care either in person or via telehealth. We can assist with a wide array of diagnoses including FTD, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, and mixed etiologies. We provide expert assistance to provide the best possible outcome.

Dementia Consulting Might Not Be What you Think It Is, contact us to learn more!